Get a fresh set of eyes to look at your listings before they go live.
Today I’ll talk about a “fresh eyes analysis” on your listings. When you look at your own listings, you may miss mistakes and possibly gloss over opportunities.
I always get an analysis on my listings by another agent that is creative. Your second or third sight should also be someone you trust. There’s no shame in having someone else double-check your listing before it goes live on the MLS, especially if they improve the way the home is positioned both in the description and how it is photographed. Making those small changes to a listing can differentiate it from the competition and help it “Stand out.”
It’s no different than when I went to Northern Michigan, and I had to take an essay exam to graduate. I failed the first time because there were misspelled words and grammatical errors. I never noticed because that was the way I wrote normally. You should have a colleague look at your properties before they go live. If you’re not getting showings, activity, or offers, then have somebody else look at your listings to give a “fresh eyes analysis.”
When I speak on national stages, I let those in attendance submit any stale luxury listings they have. Most of the time, I’m able to poke holes in their listing and find obvious, glaring mistakes that jump out to me. Small tweaks to your listing from fresh eyes can open up a lot of opportunities.
There’s no shame in having someone else double-check your listing before it goes live on the MLS, especially if they improve the way the home is positioned both in the description and how it is photographed. Making those small changes to a listing can differentiate it from the competition and help it “Stand out.” To learn more about double-checking your listings, watch this short video.
If you have any other questions, please contact me.