Here’s why and how you should be using video to grow your business

Today I want to talk about a topic you should all be very familiar with: making videos! Video will get you a better ROI² than other investments. When I say better ROI² I am specifically talking about both return on investment (which is what most people think of when they here ROI) but also a better return on impression. 

First off, I would like to explain why you should be making videos. You might know that the No. 1 search engine in the world is Google, but the No. 2 is Youtube. In case you’re unaware, Google owns YouTube. This means that if you produce high-quality videos for Youtube, you will be found. It’s just a matter of time and effort.  So if a buyer in your area types in google or youtube “Real estate in _______”, or “Luxury Real Estate Agents In ______” and you have created a lot of videos there is a greater chance the prospect will find you online vs your competition that isnt creating videos.

This brings me to my second point. Just because you aren’t getting a ton of engagement right off the bat doesn’t mean you should give up. Creating good videos is a skill just like anything else. Your first attempt won’t be as good as your second, and this pattern continues as you create more content. I would also not place too much emphasis on likes, hearts, or any other platform’s metric for love. They’re certainly nice, but they are not a good indicator of how many people are truly engaging with your content. 

If you produce high-quality videos, it’s just a matter of time before people find you.

So what kind of videos should you create? Go-to topics include tips for sellers, tips for buyers, market updates, and a whole series of other ideas. Another great idea is to give referrals in your videos. If you interview and endorse a local contractor in one of your videos, they’ll be more likely to give you referrals in the future. 

I recommend you produce at least three videos a month. After a year, you’ll have 36 videos, and after two years, you’ll have 72. This is a huge back catalog just waiting to be discovered by a future client.  Remember, people want to business with experts they like and trust.  Prospects will feel like they already know you which helps convert them to clients easier.

If you have questions about today’s topic or anything else related to real estate, please reach out to me. I am always willing to help.

Michael LaFido
Founder & CEO | Luxury Listing Specialist Designation (LUXE)

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