Whether you're representing a buyer or a seller, understanding what “builders mold” is and the implications of builder's mold can significantly impact the success of a deal. Let’s go over the significance of builder's mold and its potential effects on both buyers and sellers.

Mold is a pervasive concern that frequently deters buyers. The anxiety surrounding the discovery of mold, especially black mold, can send shockwaves through a real estate transaction. However, there's another type of mold that's less known but equally important – builder's mold.

Consider a recent scenario where a $3.1 million home was sold with the representation of the seller. During the inspection, the buyer's inspector flagged black mold. Contrary to expectations, a subsequent mold specialist clarified that it was not black mold but builder's mold. The difference was crucial, and addressing it required a modest investment of just under $5,000.

Builder's mold typically arises when the wood used in construction is not treated by the mill company. In this specific case, the lack of treatment, coupled with inadequate ventilation in the over-insulated attic, led to elevated temperatures and humidity. The outcome was the formation of mold on the untreated wood, resulting in what is known as builder's mold.

Fortunately, builder's mold is a manageable issue. Remediation involves applying a white solution to the affected areas, cleaning, and providing a ten-year guarantee against its recurrence. In the aforementioned case, a proactive approach to addressing the issue ensured a smooth transaction and preserved the property's value.

For sellers contemplating a sale, a pre-inspection can be a valuable tool. Inspectors can identify potential issues, including builder's mold, allowing for proactive solutions. Encouraging a pre-inspection can not only enhance the property's marketability but also prevent potential red flags for buyers. As a buyer, encountering mold doesn't have to be cause for panic. It could very well be builder's mold, a treatable issue that, once addressed, poses no significant threat. 

If you have any questions or concerns about builder's mold or any other real estate matters, feel free to call or email. We're here to help you increase your average sale price and work smarter, not harder.

Michael LaFido
Founder & CEO | Luxury Listing Specialist Designation (LUXE)

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