Are you an agent preparing for upcoming listings in the coming year? If you operate in the Midwest or similar regions where taking property photos in September or October is more favorable than in the colder winter months, then this video is tailor-made for you.

In this video, we showcase a stunning $2 million property soon to hit the market. The magic here? We captured the images just last week, with the pool sparkling, the grass lush and green, and the landscape meticulously mulched. To set the scene perfectly, we even brought in some delightful cocktails, reminiscent of Italian elegance.

The significance of timing cannot be overstated. Unlike the gloomier months of January or February when pools are closed and landscapes lie dormant, right now, sellers can paint a vibrant picture of their homes. It's not just about photography; it's about those essential touch-ups. Ideally, plan your photo sessions for September, or maybe even October, while the pool remains inviting.

Here's a bonus for agents: Taking proactive steps like this can set you apart from the competition. When a seller is weighing options, demonstrating your initiative can make all the difference. In contrast to agents who insist on signed agreements before making any investment, you're proving your commitment and confidence in your abilities.

There are a few things you can do right now to get your home ready for the market. If you want to get the best deal for your property in 2024, first you need to work on the exterior now, while the weather is still good. 

Consider power washing, painting, and yard work now since these activities will be very difficult during the winter. Even in April, things can be too cold for outside work if winter is dragging out. Once the exterior work is completed, you should then get professional exterior pictures taken while the grass is still green. Check out the video at 0:46 to see what that looked like. 

To recap, if you are thinking of selling early in 2024 take care of these two items:

1 - Exterior maintenance items (paint/ powerwash, exterior touch-ups, etc.).

2 - Get professional exterior pictures this fall after that work is completed.

We hope you find these insights valuable. If you do, please consider leaving us a like or review. Lastly, we're thrilled to announce the launch of our one-on-one luxury coaching program. While we've had coaches working across the country in the past, this formal program marks a new chapter in our commitment to helping real estate professionals excel.

By staying ahead of the curve and embracing proactive photography, you'll not only win more listings but also elevate your status as an agent who goes the extra mile. Don't miss out on the chance to seize these advantages for your real estate business.

Remember, if you have any questions about your upcoming listing or the business of real estate in general, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me by phone or email. I would be happy to serve as your resource for all of your real estate needs.

Michael LaFido
Founder & CEO | Luxury Listing Specialist Designation (LUXE)

Click HERE to see where Michael is speaking next or where his next LUXE class will be.