Are you looking to attend one of our upcoming events? Check out our schedule on our website! Just click the “Upcoming Events” tab, and you can see every event we have scheduled so far. 

Right now, we’re very excited for an event in September 2023. This will be at the Miami Realtors “Rock the Market” event. Later that month, I’ll be at an “Elevate” conference in Colorado and then I will be speaking at the LGBTQ Alliance Conference in Houston.. 

If you want to see where Michael will be speaking next,just check out our website. If you are interested in having Michael speak at an event  you can call or email us with any questions.  We look forward to hearing from you. 

To see what events Michael is speaking at next, go to

Michael LaFido
Founder & CEO | Luxury Listing Specialist Designation (LUXE)

Click HERE to see where Michael is speaking next or where his next LUXE class will be.