Have you ever wanted to know the “easy” way to become a leading authority figure in your local market? Many people have asked me about the fastest and best way to do that, so I’m here today to share my insight. I believe the two fastest and most effective way to become a leader: 1- Authorship and, 2- Public speaking.
There are a couple of ways to capitalize on public speaking. If you’re talking to a group, make sure to have someone record it so you can leverage your talk. Also, create educational videos (like you see we do) to send to your database. I believe that having a vlog and an updated and optimized Youtube channels (Youtube.com/@LuxurySpecialist) is very important.
Secondly, I recommend becoming an author. The problem is that most people don’t believe they can do this, have the time to do this, or even know where to start. What if I told you there would be an “Easy” button. No writing, no editing, no marketing…. Literally speak your portion and then leverage the credibility of what we have built the past 7 years. If that’s of interest to you, I have great news! We are launching a new book called “Secrets of Top Luxury Agents” and you can get involved.
This exclusive book will be limited to only a total of 20 top luxury agents from across the country (see flyer).. We’re creating a report that shows 21 ways to leverage your book to attract more luxury buyers and sellers, so this is something you’ll want to be involved in.
We will set up an interview and ask you questions that you approve, record your answers, then we’ll transcribe those answers, let you easily proof and edit them, and then with your approval, we will create your chapter in “Secrets of Top Luxury Agents”. It’s as easy as that!
We are very excited about being able to provide this opportunity. If you’re interested, please reach out. You can leverage a wide variety of resources, and we can help you find success. Reserve your seat today, visit: www.SecretesOfTopLuxuryAgents.com
Still not sure or have questions? Call or email my team and me anytime, and we would love to help you and answer any questions that you might have. We look forward to working with you!